The most downloaded files from Aminet during the week until 26-Jun-95 Updated weekly. Most popular file on top.
File               Dir        Size Age Description
-----------------  ---------  ---- --- ------------------------------------
ar312.lha          docs/mags  118K   0+Amiga Report 3.12, June 18, 1995
ShapeShift3_0.lha  misc/emu   188K   0+Macintosh II emulator, V3.0
ZGIFDT39.16.lha    util/dtype   7K   0+The FASTEST gif.datatype there is.
ShapeUpd3_0b.lha   misc/emu    48K   0+ShapeShifter Update V3.0b
Dopus511.lha       biz/patch  383K   0+Patch for Directory Opus 5.0 & 5.10 -> 5
AmigaElm-v7.lha    comm/mail  208K   1+Mail-Reader (UUCP/Internet), v7 (7.150)
DraCoGuide.lha     docs/hyper 329K   0+Info/pix about the DraCo Amiga-clone
xanim8.lha         gfx/show   253K   0+XAnim: Avi/Quicktime/FLI/FLC/IFF/GIF/MPE
Culture_Tank.lha   game/2play 226K   1+Tank combat by Culture, 1-6 players
Escom-CEI.lha      docs/misc    2K   1+ESCOM & CEI TO HOLD MEETING SOON!
windows95.jpg      pix/misc    73K   1+The GENUINE Win 95 logo :)
Watergirl.lha      pix/art    108K   0+Amazing Picture by JCS/Neoplasia^Sector7
AmiTCP_sesn1.1.lha comm/tcp     8K   1+SLIP dialer,news spooler,purger (v 1.1)
CCC.lha            game/misc  415K   0+Destroy a large city with your monster. 
AmiTCP-demo-40.lha comm/tcp   738K  34+TCP/IP protocol stack
SwazInfo18b.lha    util/wb     73K   1+Patches workbench icon information
MWB_DOpus54.lha    pix/icon   142K   0+Nice MWB Icons, & template for DOpus5
GoldED310.lha      text/edit  869K   0+Programmer's editor with many features
PanicSociety.lha   game/role  772K   0+Multilevel graphic puzzle adventure. V1.